Turf Fight
Years ago, when I was slightly younger, I lived in the central part of the island, in an area know as Bukit Timah 7 mile. As a young teenager then, I was kind of an observant person of the things of the world, happening around me. One of my hobbies seems to be looking and analysing and brainstorming and predicting, on what goes on in the minds of people, and why they do things.
Bukit Timah 7 Mile
Now Bukit Timah 7 mile, is a wonderful place. A town in the middle of everywhere. It used to be a strategically located Chinese village, where farming was the order of the day. It sits in the middle of the road, connecting the Northern parts to the City, right in the South. To this day, the little town still serves this purpose, though much to a lower extend, as highways connect most corners of the island. The little town had sprawn into a hub connecting the housing estates of the west, as well as being a middle to higher income residential area itself.
Now one particular building that I used to walk by everyday, on the way to the bus stop downstairs, is the old shop/residential building next door to my block. A kind of run down, 1980s building, with old fashion white mosiac covering the exterior, and limited private residential on the 3rd and 4th floor. Right on the first floor was the typical toto (lottery) betting shop, aah beng car repair and modification shops and coffeeshops full of ah sengs. A typical building where "hooligans" and street roughs of all sort seems to frequent and gather, with the place typically crowded with people hanging around the urine smelled corridors and walkways; and cars honking each other as they compete for limited carpark space; in the hot, bright, windless, typical noon day in Bukit Timah. The temperature rises drastically at noon, and is amplified by the white broad concrete walkways around that building.
Cat Territory
Now I notice that the area boost the record number of cats in Bukit Timah. These felines, are the culprits for the urine smelled corridor that one will catch as one descend into the dark stairwell at the lowest floor, as one walks pass the occasional flower pot/ flower bed, etc.
These cats, marked their territories with their urines and faces. The smell meaning to other cat groups, that "they own the place". Seeing groups of these ahbeng and ahseng cats, lingering around the place seems to be the norm of the day, with the occassional sight of a rotting dead cat killed in the latest brawl.

Living there, I witness and heard countless cat fights, screaming a high pitch meow as they charge into one another, sometimes many to one, sometimes many to many. Noisly and yet sensational at night, as I used to study till the late hours through the night. It is common to see a cat taking off at full speed, dashing across the empty road at night, with half a dozen other cats chasing at breakneck speed.
I concluded then that Bukit Timah 7 Mile was a prized turfland for the cats.
Gang Fights
As I was in an average, neighbouring, but fast declining school, with a growing bunch of students being recruited into secret society gangs then, naturally, I'll have 1 or 2 schoolfriends who are in gangs and are even in rival gangs. A friend once told me that the building seems to be the headquaters to a local secret society gang whereby the gang's "CEO" and his "board of directors", did their everyday business. It is common to catch a glimpse of section group leaders reporting to battalion group leaders at the coffeeshops while waiting for the bus, and sometimes even seeing some of my frens following their leaders on illegal money extortion activies at the shops around the area.
Once I heard a rival secret society had invaded the area. Staging a takeover, much like what bush and his merry man had done to Iraq. The whole area was fortify as the gang people rush to and fro, like the crew of a destroyer during battle stations, as they prepare for war with the invaders.
Naturally I would pressume that "special forces" and "double O sevens" from the invading gang would be conducting recon and pathfinding operations for the main force in that area.
Fights were then common in the area. With the police increasing their patrols all the time.
I concluded then that Bukit Timah 7 Mile was a prized turf for the gangsters.
Politician Fights
Then came one of the year (I can't remember which) whereby the election was held, and Bukit Timah was contested. The whole place was literally turned into a fairy land with political parties banners, photo potraits of politicians, banners, and why-you-must-vote-for-us-campaign marketing publications. Politicians with the typical flower garland walking around for the first time shaking hands with puzzling people as they compete fiecrely with each other for Bukit Timah.
Again I concluded that Bukit Timah 7 Mile must be a prized turf for the politicians.
Strange yet funny! Puzzling yet ironical! Over this piece of urine smelled, hot, stinging polluted air, with old fashion buildings, vulgar mouthed ahbengs, and half-developed plots,... so many souls were locked into combat with one another, planting flags and claims, and fighting for control. So much money, sweat (or urine) and time had been poured into the area, with little "return of investment" to be extracted out from it.
And the amazing thing is that these turf fighters are only after the throats of their counterparts, in their same tier! Cat fight cat; gangster fight gangster; politicans fight politicians. Heheheh, the rival cat gang, will in no way go against whichever secret society gang that is coming into control of the area, and the gang wouldn't give a damm which cat ahbeng is hanging around their area! Amazing!
I then decided then that when I grow up (finish with my studies and go into the workforce that is), I'm going to put my life goals, my values, time, etc, etc... into areas and activities that is based on more significant values, tangible and rewarding returns, which will ultimately contribute to the goal of a well meaning and abundant life.