Summer Raindrops

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Hope Rekindles

Hope that was once warm, once kind, feels warms in your heart. No matter where you are, who you are with, what happened to you, you'll always felt that there is still this little city inside your heart, a city on a hill, a city that will never fall. Because of the simple reason that hope is in the city. Hope lives in the city, in your heart. That warm engulfs you and empowers you to be brave and bold and to do what you thought you can't do.

But alas, there come times when the door of the city is opened. Whether opened from within, or opened through pressure from outside, it doesn't matter after sometime, the city doors were opened. Hope seems to vanish, its light seems to be diluted. Its warm seems to be lost in the midst of the crowd pouring in through the door.

But hope that had resides in the city, will always be there. Once in a while, a ray of light shines through, warm flows out, through the rubble, through the crowded streets of the city. Above the noise, barely audible, yet felt by all. It reminds and it delights. It delights not the overcast mood, but the sweet soft whisper in the heart. It energise slightly, and gives strength as in good food. Through little, it gives a small hinge of energy to feel hopeful. To feel hopeful again. To be hopeful and to understand that the hope will one day regain its stand in the city. The city will shine and will be a like a light, placed on top of a hill, shining away the darkness in the pathways of the fellow journey makers, to make their walk slightly safer, and significantly warmer.

Hope that was once lost, but regained, is precious beyond anything can comprehend.


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