Summer Raindrops

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Batman's Wise Wisdom

Wah, watch Batman Begins. Quite good. The whole show was full of violence. Gotham city looks like slum, worse than the eerie and always dark Gotham city of episode 1.
The mass rapid system sucks, the streets are dirty and decaying, and the whole environment gives the viewer a sense of hopelessness, crime, violence, darkness, a life as street urchins stuck on the streets. The rich getting richer and powerful, the police getting scared and political.

As far as I am convince, I will never immigrate there!

But what strikes me most was the phase that the leading lady told Batman (aka Brunce), and what Batman told her near the end.

"You are not who you are on the inside, but what you do that matters."

This is a powerful statement! And I literally mean POWDER-FUL! Full of refreshing and cooling pricky heat powder, splashed on your face! It is great!

Most of us try to xiam (avoid) the mushy emotional part, the giving or showing of positive and affirming emotions, the gesture of I love you, or I care for you, and to the extreme, the parading of concern or love to someone we hold dearly in our hearts, to the whole world. Instead of doing that, many actually come to and settle on the conclusion (at least to themselves) that deep inside, they love their spouse, their children, their parents, their whatever... and that is sufficent. Well their love ones should know of it. While this may be true, and the target might even be aware of this, but still it is lacking!

We see so many parents putting up a straight face, never daring to show love and affirmation, or even a simple priase, to their children. But expecting the children to know (which in most cases, they do) and that is sufficient.
We see spouses doing that too. Never even lifting a finger to help the other or to listen to the other when the spouse is troubled or down, and yet thinking that the relationship will last forever! That's foolishness.
I'll bet all the money Singapore Pools had earned for a month, that there will be some form of 3rd party/extra-maritial affairs, or thoughts or intent on that, to happen in the relationship.

Instead, we should all learn to show in our actions. To put pirority in the affairs and well-being of the loved ones, and automatically, our actions will match our thoughts. We will be doing meaningful things to our loved ones, and life will move forward again.

Which of course also, brings me to reflection on myself also.


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