Hey! I'm so surprise to see
this. A friend had pointed this link out to me. Singapore is ranked as one of the most unhappy places in the world. Almost right at the bottom tier of Asia. Wow, that is incredibile.
For quite some time, I had noticed that many people (both I knew and don't) around me are unhappy. Ever since I took a trip to China and Europe, this great difference in attitude to life becomes more and more obvious to me. Most people I met on the streets, at work, at crowded eating joints during lunch hours, at shops, service personels, hotel personels, seems to be having a bad day from the look of their faces.
Pulling on a long face, they either look tired, or hectic, or anxious, or sad, or frustrated, etc. Seldom have I come across a happy face. During most conversations, negativity seems to be the main flavour, and key ingredient responsibile for the bitter or sour taste in any conversing topics. Taxi drivers, working professionals, office professionals, the janitor cleaning auntie and uncles, the overloaded students, the frustrated parents, etc etc. The ratio of unhappy people seems to far outweigh the happy ones.
Hmmm... perhaps I look like that as well.