Feelings from stepping into your very own new habitat.
My new House! Not renovated yet, as we don't need to move in so urgently. We take our time to choose a good designer/contractor and to exhaust all designs and possibilities from the many design company that approaches us. Most just ask us to pay a lump sum upfront, in the first meeting, so that they can "process our application" and proceed with the designing. If in the end, we don't want their services, the sum of money can be turned into cash to purchase some of their merchadise that they are helping their suppliers to peddle.
An age old trick! Who would believe that! It is so fake actually. But that time, when one reject their service, one will probably get the cold shoulder from them, and you'll probably get a lousy piece through your money from these lousy companies. Typical sales person doing a sales.
One designer even funnier, a young girl, like ah lian. Her manicure is so long, and well painted,
I will want to say, being the first to use a toilet (especially your own toilet) for a big release for the first time is simply.... priceless!
This felling of using something, starting a chain reaction, moving into a new realm, is simply amazing! I will definietly want my little girlfriend (my future wifey) to experience this feeling too. The Kai Mu Dian Li, the pioneering feeling. Therefore I leave the bedroom toilet for her to be the first to use. That will be use only after the renovation work is completed.
She will then have that... Priceless... feeling.
*LOL* Mr Pencil.. The way you said it - "had a good release" - that cracked me up..
Happy House moving! Wonder how your new home will look like. Hope everything goes smoothly!
potpourri, at Monday, September 19, 2005 4:40:00 PM
potpourri, at Monday, September 19, 2005 4:41:00 PM
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