Summer Raindrops

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Tintin and his resident.

Author's note. As I was writing this article, I remember I was struggling to keep awake. I felt asleep several times. Heheh. Hence the poor, broken English. After I finish with the writing, I didn't even bother to re-read and check for mistakes. Heheheh that shows how tired I was. Any I don't really bother to proof read now. Just leave it as it was, in the original, half awake and asleep state. Hahaha.....

Wah Tintin's website! Nice.

It is all about Tintin! The stories, where they happen and what timing. This is so interesting. Many people feel that Tintin is kind of a racist, and there are some "politically wrong" material inside the series.

Anyway Tintin IS politicaly incorrect! From the first episode, it is already political! Tintin was produced in Belgium, and right when the author wrote the series "The Shooting Star", Belgium was already German occupied territories. Thus Tintin sail in the ship, the Aurora, which has a german seaplane (Yes, the arado model plane, similar to the one used on the Bismarck), and a whole load of scientist from Axis powers. Why there is even a Japanese scientist!

Anyway, on the other ship (the enemy), the Peary, they were protrayed as a low tech (which looking at the funnel on the ship, yes...), cunning and shrewd enemy to Tintin. The ship flies a "Star and Stripes" flag. Once they even played cheat and tried to gun Tintin down. Of course the americans are protrayed as the bad guys...


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